Outage Information
2021-06-06 21:15:02.731000
Automatic Outage: Radials older than 12 hours. Operator should investigate.
Automated Bot

2021-06-07 01:15:03.519000
Outage cleared automatically. Radial files have caught up since initial reporting
Automated Bot

2021-06-15 14:52:41.957000
2021-06-04 15:49 UTC increased attenuation to 7dB to lower output to ~30W due to rx temp approaching 40ºC. AC may be malfunctioning, it was set to 70ºF when we left, but it's clearly not keeping it that cool. Handel 2021-06-06 22:16 UTC turned off tx due to high temperatures. Roarty
Teresa Updyke

2021-06-15 14:52:53.931000
Status switched to 'Closed'
Teresa Updyke